Sunday, March 8, 2009

A Rhodes Triumph!!

I'm sure you're wondering why this is blogworthy, but for me this is a big deal. Every Sunday my MIL makes these fabulous, perfect Rhodes rolls. I have NEVER been able to get mine to turn out - not even once! I am not, nor have I ever professed to be a great cook, but I try REALLY hard. And if there's something I want to make but can't get it to turn out, I keep trying and trying until I do. So the last couple of months we've had to make our own Sunday dinner a few times, (I know, poor me) and since it's the only day I will allow myself such a carbohydrate delight, I decided that I needed to figure out how to do them right. So I finally figured it out (on my umptenth attempt) today! If I turn the oven on and put them on top to rise right before church, when we get home they are perfect! I'm just so proud of myself, let's take a moment here to relish........ok, moment relished. Go me!


Lindsay said...

That IS blogworthy!! At least to me. don't know why but it took me forever to work the "Rhodes magic" too.

jessica said...

i want to eat my computer right now.

Jennie-O said...

congrats to you! I only end up with good Rhodes rolls about 1 in every 5 times I attempt them! It's not as easy as the package makes it sound! good job!

Amy and Kris said...

I feel the same way about the rhodes rolls! Everytime I make them I put them in the pan, cover them with plastic wrap & let them rise. They always rise beautifully but the second I take the plastic off they fall!! Then I'm left with fallen rolls that look horrible!! So Congrats!!