Wednesday, September 30, 2009


sometimes to an almost-3-year-old
a blanket is more than a blanket
sometimes it's
a skirt to go "visit your friends"
a dress to go dancing
a sweater "because it's cold"
a fort to lay under with Daddy
a ghost
a cave to hide from Mommy in
a superhero cape

and sometimes it's just a blanket
to snuggle with Mommy
and play with her hair
right before bedtime
and watch "The Dancing Show" (So You Think You Can Dance)


The Byers Family said...

I LOVE THIS POST! I can just see your little Lo with her "B" skirt, sweater, with Bryan in the fort and hiding from you in the cave! So so cute!

Angie said...

I love hiding away in blankets still. Especially if I can take a good book with me. :)

oh-and stalk away, Kiersti! lol


Jennie-O said...

I can't get over how similar Lo and M are. M has been using her blanket as a "cinderella" dress lately. I love the imagination of an almost 3 year old!

jessica said...

ooooh this sounds fun! can i come play? i'll be happy to bring my blanky (which yes, i still have & LOVE).

Kristy said...

Oh that is so true!! Aivree does all of those exact same things!! Oh their cute!