Saturday, May 30, 2009
NEW New House
Posted by Kiersti at 3:49 PM 7 comments
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Proud to Report
That today Lo has only had 1 accident, and 4 "successes" in the potty.
I decided last week that with Lauren I just need to be casual and not expect her to want to try and potty train every day. And there would be no forcing to sit on the potty, only asking occasionally, and having her check frequently to make sure she's dry. So I've VERY casually asked her almost every day first thing in the morning if she wants to wear panties. Sometimes it's yes, and sometimes it's no. Today was a yes, and I think she's finally getting it!
But let me tell you, the girl can hold her urine!
She had an accident at 12:45, and she hadn't gone since 8:30 - we had a bath in there, but she swore to me over and over again that she didn't pee in the tub.
Bryan just came down to tell me - the time was 4:35, mind you, and she peed 4, yes folks, 4 times right in a row, and no accidents since she woke up from her nap at 2:30. But apparently it was a lot each of those 4 times. She must have an iron bladder and just hold it in forever until the flood gates break loose!!! This is a good thing, right? So I won't have to run her to the bathroom 5 times during a grocery trip?
So if she in fact did not pee in the tub, that makes up to about 4 hours of holding it in.
Anyway, I know all you moms out there know how exciting this is, so therefore don't care about the pee talk being nasty, and for those of you who don't have kids and think it's gross all I have to say is your time will come.
I am soooooo thinking she will be done by the time preschool starts in August!
Yeah for my little pee-er!
Oh, and I won't post about the first time she poops in the potty, that's just taking it a little too far.
Posted by Kiersti at 4:41 PM 7 comments
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Happy B
Posted by Kiersti at 6:44 AM 4 comments
Memorial Day
"Oh no, oh no, oh no, he's gonna fall!
He's not gonna fall.
Grandpa's not gonna let him fall.
Oh no, oh no, oh no!!"
Posted by Kiersti at 6:31 AM 5 comments
Tin Foil No More
I rock the hiz-ouse. It's not the prettiest thing ever, had I taken more time it would definitely look better. But it looks better than tin foil and serves its purpose.
For the record, Bryan totally doubted my ability to measure, cut out, and have it fit. How ya like me now!!
Posted by Kiersti at 6:30 AM 1 comments
Monday, May 18, 2009
I Look Like a Princess
Posted by Kiersti at 7:29 AM 0 comments
Mother's Day and Together Baths
Posted by Kiersti at 7:14 AM 2 comments
Thursday, May 7, 2009
The First Playdate Adventure
I'm going to quickly here tell my little adventure of today.
Lo had her very first playdate with her cute little friend Sage at 10:00. I decided "hey, it's a beautiful day, and they only live a minute away. Why don't we all walk?" And so we did. After I dropped the oh so excited child off to play, I took the long way home with B, enjoying the nice day. Then I got home to discover that I had locked myself out. I had closed the garage door, knowing that I had unlocked the deadbolt on the front door. But apparently the handle was still locked. And our garage door code doesn't work. Locked out. No diapers. Hungry baby. Fantastic.
I called Bryan, so incredibly embarrassed, and he said he'd come home and let me in. So I headed off to Kalisa's house where Lauren was playing, and instead decided to take this opportunity to explore a little of what Riverton had to offer in my neck of the woods. And I knew that Mya would be much better in the stroller than out. I walked for almost an hour until Bryan got home, and I have to say, I made good time for where I went.
It was fabulous to be able to enjoy walking for almost an hour in the peace and quiet of just me and Mya, who didn't make a peep the entire time.
Thanks again, Kalisa & Sage! Lauren came home happy & exhausted - just the way I like it!
Posted by Kiersti at 1:19 PM 3 comments
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
If You've Ever Wondered...
Posted by Kiersti at 5:50 AM 3 comments
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Child Genius!
Posted by Kiersti at 7:55 AM 1 comments
Picture Catch-Up
Posted by Kiersti at 6:15 AM 2 comments
Monday, May 4, 2009
The Best
Had a super long crazy day yesterday - 2 baby blessings that we were lucky enough to be invited to and attend (2 beautiful little girls) but made for a seriously loco day. (It didn't help that we were up all night partying it hard with J & G - pictures will be coming shortly).
I was exhausted, and as I was putting Lo to bed and going through the routine:
climb into bed (sometimes takes forever when she's being a butt)
read Milly Moo
read Rainbow Rob
sing series of nursery rhymes from stupid little book
turn on frog (humidifier)
turn on music
"love you" - "love you too, Mom"
kiss "on my mouf"
"lay down on your tummy"
"I'll see you in the morning"
"I'll leave the door open"
*Mothers of a 2 year old know this routine is very important
I have to do the routine alone after prayers and climb into bed because she just goes down a lot easier if I do the rest alone. Too attached to Daddy.
I finished the routine (15 minutes later) and came into the kitchen, where Bryan was unloading/reloading the dishwasher. I came over and tried to help, he told me to just go relax, he wanted to do it so that when I woke up in the morning it was one less thing for me to do.
Bryan is the best. On our crazy Sunday, he got both of the girls ready, start to finish, breakfast and bottle, curlies and bows, because I got up a lttle later than I should and was busy getting my own self ready. I never have to ask him to change a diaper or do anything with the kids. He is a better father than I ever imagined, and the best husband I could ask for.
Thanks honey, I know you won't read this because, well, you don't read this.
I love you and appreciate you so much, thank you for making my life so much easier.
Posted by Kiersti at 5:03 AM 4 comments
Friday, May 1, 2009
My Soapbox
As most of you know, after I had Lauren I lost a lot of weight. For some reason, things have been harder after Mya, but this last couple of weeks I have really been empowered to regain control of my body.
Today I put on a pair of capri pants that I haven't been able to wear since I had Mya (without looking like a stuffed sausage), and I was so proud of myself.
I started thinking about women and weight and body image, and I decided to put a few things out there. This is how I'm reminding myself that I'm in control of my body (for the most part), and these are things that I try to do every single day to help myself be happy.
1. I love my body. I love it because it was given to me by my Heavenly Father - and he wants me to love it and take care of it. Do I love everything about it? Of course not, but it's my body nonetheless, and there's nothing I can do about that. So accept it and move on.
2. I embrace the good parts. I'm built like a woman, not a 12 year old boy. I have curves, and I am proud of them. Some women pay good money to get, ahem, upper body curves like mine.
3. Just because it fits, doesn't mean I should wear it. I'm using the term "fits" very loosely. I've watched What Not to Wear, and I know what's up. If I look like the aforementioned stuffed sausage in a particular item of clothing, it doesn't "fit". I pride myself on dressing pretty well for my figure - I've learned how to hide things I don't want to be seen. This has taken years, and some lucky trends to come about, but I've found what works for my body.
4. I refuse to whine about my weight. In my mind, there are few things more unattractive and annoying than women who whine about their weight. Trying to be with my friends, just enjoying one anothers' company and hearing the constant "I really shouldn't be eating this", "I wish I could eat whatever I wanted", "I'm too fat to wear that", "I wish I had a body like her".....I could go on & on & on. Why draw attention to your faults and imperfections? And I know I used to say this kind of stuff, too, until I realized how unappealing it is. And on a side note, before you start saying things like that, look around. There's no worse feeling to me than when someone significantly smaller than myself starts complaining about her weight. How do you think that makes me feel? If you see your size 6 as being huge, then what do you see when you look at me?
5. Never compare myself to others. Everyone is different, and so what if my friend is a size 2 and can eat whatever she wants. Everyone has their trials and things about themselves they don't like, and my size 2 friend isn't excluded from that. Take the energy that you used focusing on others and use it to change what you dislike about yourself.
6. I live in reality. I will never be a size 2 - that would just be gross for my body type. I will never be happy eating fruits & veggies all the time and working out 2 hours a day every day. That's just not me, and to be honest with you, I don't have time for that. I just want to be healthy. I want to look in the mirror and be proud of what I've worked for - the self control and discipline it takes to moderate what I eat, but also not depriving myself. I wish I LOVED working out, and I LOVED eating salad every meal, but I don't. That's why I'll never look like Jessica Alba - and I'm OK with that. If I wanted to have a rock hard body with no fat, I would. But the road to get there wouldn't make me happy. And that's reality.
7. I do what makes me happy. I work hard as I want and know the consequences of my actions. If it's going to make me happy to eat a Reese's shake tonight, then I know that I need to be OK with what it will do to the number on the scale.
And now I will get off my soapbox. I'm not even sure if any of this made sense to any of you, but it's something I can look back on and read when I'm having a hard time.
Love yourselves, ladies, cuz you know I do!
Posted by Kiersti at 9:59 AM 7 comments