We went to Garnder Village on Saturday to get pictures of the girls taken in their Halloween costumes. My mom and sister came, and since it was the Wee Witches weekend, we walked around and had lunch and just kind of hung out. I didn't get any good ones of the girls in their constumes - I was too busy wrastlin' Lo most of the time. But I did get this one at lunch - she's eating a cookie, but she doesn't like getting her hands messy, so she was eating it with no hands. I think that's my fault :)
They were playing music right where we were eating lunch, and Lauren would go out in the middle of everyone and shake her stuff - everyone was getting such a kick out of her. But then a Backyardigans song came on, which was great until it got over, and then the world ended. All in all it was a really fun day, and I recommend that everyone take their kids next year -we had a fabulous time.
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