I know I posted a lot today, but I'm writing this to get some frustration out. It's 9:39 pm and we've been trying to get Lauren to bed since 8:10. This is the kid who up until the last few nights has gladly trotted off to bed at 8:00 sharp with a kiss and a hug and an I love you, and then we wouldn't hear from her until 9:00 the next morning. We took the binky away on Friday, and it's actually gotten progressively worse and worse since then. What should we do?????? She is just in her room screaming for mommy or daddy to come lay with her. It's so sad, and I'm at my wit's end. It took almost an hour and a half to get her to take a nap today, and I finally gave up and let her sleep in her "big chair" (one of those little kid sopha things that folds out). She is beyond any reason, and I'm beyond solutions. She never tried to get out of bed until tonight, and now she's up every 2 minutes trying to open her door.
I know this will pass and we just need to Supernanny our way through this, but as I'm listening to her scream, writing this is the only thing keeping me from going insane.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Posted by Kiersti at 9:40 PM
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I wish there was some advice I could give you to help you through this, but since I have not had any kids, it's rather hard. I do hope she gets through this phase soon, for all of your sakes.
I can't believe I'm going to say this, but maybe tell her she can have the binky for 5 minutes, after 5 minutes it's time to go to sleep w/o it. And then slowly wean her from it. There's really no right or wrong in this. I wouldn't fully give in, but with Lo and that stubborn streak it might take awhile to get through (not to mention lots of screaming from her!) Or you can go cold turkey but find something else to replace the binky, let her sleep in the tutu for instance, or get her some kind of new nighttime stuffed animal she can only have a night and explain the binky is gone but this new thing is here to keep her comfy and safe. Hope it doesn't last too long! Good Luck!
Shara has some good ideas. I on the other hand am too chicken to take away the binky! Good luck but I think Shara may be on to something.
Sorry to hear of the night struggles. I do have to say that is is soooo hard, but it'll pass. All of my kids have gone through it. With Ady, we told her if she got out of bed we would shut her door (she hates her door shut) and it worked, it took about a week for her to realize we meant business, but it's been great since. Matthew has a lightning mcqueen blanket that he loses and he's starting to do better. It really breaks your heart to hear them scream, but it's harded in the long run to give in. Be strong and good luck!!!!
When we were having trouble with jordan we got a cd player and some books on cd. I don't know if she is too young for that or not. Just a thought.
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