Monday, September 29, 2008

This one's for you Shara - quit complaining :)

Lo turns 2 on Friday, I can't believe it! If you ask her how old she is, she screams "I TWO!" and holds out her hand with all of her fingers spread apart in an attempt to show 2 fingers. I keep trying to tell her that it's her birthday, but she's not quite grasping that yet. We're trying to practice blowing out candles so that it's not just a bunch of spit, but it's not working, so I'm thinking of cupcakes instead of a big cake to save everyone from her saliva. I just can't wait to see her face when she gets to open all of her presents and has her party on Friday! I'm so excited, which is OK because she's not!

Lo loves her little sister! She's always lovin' on her and kissing her, it's so sweet!

Another great Sheryll picture
Lo insisted on both of us wearing sunglasses - the ones I'm wearing are not the ones I wear on a regular basis....promise.
Mya is so sweet, even when she's trying to eat her own hand

Monday, September 8, 2008

Long Lost Easter Pictures

My friend Sheryll (awesome photographer) took these pictures this last Easter at Gardner Village, and they were on a DVD so I couldn't download them until now cuz my in-laws didn't have a DVD drive on their computer. Anyway, here are some pictures of Lo. She was really not a happy girl that day, but we still got some really cute pictures. I didn't put them all on because they take quite a while to download. I can't believe this is almost 6 months ago and how much she's changed since then!! This was the Sunday before she started walking - so hard to think that she ever didn't run around all day long! I just love my little Mebud so much, she's such a cutie!

This is my favorite picture! Sheryll brought cupcakes and we let Lo chow down - it was hilarious, they were really the only good smiles we got out of Miss Ornery Pants that day. Well played, Sheryll, well played.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Mya Pictures (finally)

She's getting cuter every day!This is her today in her bouncy chair - she really doesn't want to be there because she wants to be held ALL THE TIME - looks at those chubby cheeks! Go ahead, pinch them, I do all the time!

Here's the first picture of Mya Lorraine - pretty gooey and yucky. (Sorry, these are out of order and I don't want to take the time to fix them)Looking a little less squishy
Coming home from the hospital
The bili lights - she absolutely hated them, it was the worst 2 days ever! But luckily it was only 2 days and then she didn't have to do them any more.
Greg, looking so natural holding her - he was so freaked out, it was hilarious! He'll be such a cute daddy some day!